Our Collaborators
The following agencies and individuals have supported several developmental and formative activities in our various missions over the last three decades. We thank them from the depth of our hearts for their generosity and love for God and humanity. We assure them of our continued prayers. God bless your lives, dear friends!
1. AIB Milan, Italy
2. Castilla Leon, Spain
3. Father Manfred Rumler, Germany
4. FERE, Spain
5. Fondazione “aiutare i bambini” – ONLUS, Italy
6. Grace EduCare, USA
7. Holy Childhood Association, France
8. Italian Bishops’ Conference, Rome
9. KIB, Milan
10. Kindermission, Germany
11. Kirche-in-Not, Germany
12. Koch Foundation, USA
13. Lenten Action of Priests and Religious – Asia Desk
14. Little Way Association, UK
15. LWA, England
16. Manos Unidas, Spain
17. Margareta Weisser Foundation, Germany
18. Misereor, Germany
19. Missio Aachen, Germany
20. Missio Munich, Germany
21. Missionary Sisters of St. Peter Claver, Italy
22. Missionszertrale Der Franziskaner, Germany
23. Miva, Austria
24. OFM Caps, Germany
25. Pastoral mission fund, Archdiocese of Toronto, Canada
26. Porticus, The Netherlands
27. Proclade, Spain
28. Serra Foundation, USA
29. Single Step Foundation, USA
30. Spanish Bishops’ Conference, Spain
31. Various State and Central Government Departments of India